Hollywood Signs streaming

Hollywood Signs

“HOLLYWOOD SIGNS from Director Bill Fishman (Tapeheads). The new doc provides a gaze into the bizarre world of characters that allow celebrity fandom to constantly thrive. From the celebrities who feed off of it and the obsessors who thrive off of it, the film effortlessly weaves through both perspectives on each end. While it might be commonplace to label those obsessed with celebrity as “tasteless”, the film finds a way to humanize the often lucrative hobby of collecting celebrity artifacts. Beyond Hollywood A-Listers to cult-stars who have gained an ever-lasting fandom, the film both glamorizes and humanizes Hollywood while also embracing the nostalgia, community and, very humble side of Hollywood being marginalized. Featuring Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight), and Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead), HOLLYWOOD SIGNS is endlessly entertaining and a unique dive into the niche edge of Hollywood that not many are familiar with.”.

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